Monday 28 November 2011

Week 12 The final curtain

Recap on the weekend: Went to Kerry to see mum and my brother. Also helped some friends finish their music CD off.


Went in early this morning to catch up on some work in  the Library. My next lecture is not until 4pm today as Web Fundamentals module has finished. The network wireshark test went surprisingly well finished it in 15 mins so worked on my Java project while there was still time.


Something was up with Colin this morning he wasn't his critical self. He kept his back to us the whole lecture. I had our groups QR game ready to show but he didn't come round to check up on us like he usually does.
Handed in my hardware project to Pierce and basically went home after running a few errands at the college.
Later went shopping with Jon my friend was a fun day out.


Went in at 2pm that day as most of the modules have wrapped up for the semester. In CIT Colin took in the QR game (even though it was mostly me that made the game I said it was a group effort) Left early and went to the canteen to work on a Java exam example before going to Networking to perform the cable test which was relatively easy but im sure a few of them cables had a trick on them.


My bus pass had expired as it only lasts until the month is up. Luckily my friend Lynn picked me up to take me in for 2pm. Got to Trends to hand in my essay and to do the group presentation on RFID, The presentation went well I thought using Google Presentation to show everything. Members of my group were Glenn, Doug, and Maire. Vincent asked us questions of what we had just talked about. At 3pm was our 2 hour exam of Java coding which was 50% of the total module. It involved creating a program to order books but it was in 4 stages of programming the solution. Task 1 was to make the basic program to read in user input and display the cost at the end Task 2 to have a discount code for free delivery. Task 3 was to add validation to stop the user inputting the wrong things (such as characters instead of numbers) Task 4 was to add the ability to do multiple people ordering books. I didn't manage to get task 4 implemented but got Task 1,2 and most of 3 working. Overall I am confident I did well.


Today was the day of the QR game in the student hall at the CIT. All the CIT classes that Colin Manning had taken were involved with their QR games laid out for everyone to test. One flaw in this was not many of the students had a smartphone to read QR codes so most of us just asked the people running the game to just say what they were. The idea of this game may have worked if it was implemented a few years down the line.  

Thursday 17 November 2011

Week 11 (The end is near)

Recap on weekend: Went to Kerry with a bunch of friends and climbed Torc. Despite the bad weather over the southern parts of Ireland it was amazing to find the exact time we went to climb was when the Sun shined brightly. We had so much fun that Saturday with Hot chocolate at the top of the mountain and taking plenty of photographs it was epic.


Went into college that day early (9:30am) to catch up on some work in the library as the end of the year is looming. Was writing up my design doc's for programming. At 2pm we had Web Dev and our assignment was to code a tax calculator which sounded straight forward, the only problem was it didn't work but coded it in a way so it looked like the example. The only thing that did work was the clear function so at least I scored 4% haha.
The next one was a Networking Lab and o how much fun that always is with me sitting there for 2 hours scratching my head as im totally lost in what i am supposed to do. I'm so sick of that wire-shark rubbish analyzing data packets its like groundhog day. Tried to do some of the manual but its a pain when you have been adrift for so long.


Running slightly late this morning but got in before Colin did so no biggie really. Held up my QR tag in its pocket to show Colin something was in progress. After CIT class went to the hardware lecture where Pierce told us about the Hardware project we need to do.
In Trends we had a spokesman from McAfee to talk about the business (alot of people were falling asleep as he gave a boring presentation, wish he would do that to send me to sleep at night) Had 3/4 of the group essay to give in then was informed by class mate that the 4th part will be given to me soon so told Vincent I would hand it in to him later that day. The final Java lecture was talking about the different loops and when to use them. In the Lab we had our final teamwork exercise, this time we just coded no documentation wahoo!!


Got into class just after 9am was the Hardware lecture with Pierce. Worked on my Hardware project as well as my Java project trying to use my time efficiently (hardly works trying to do several things at one, you never get anything done that way)

Went to my final web development class with Ingo (he leaves Friday for Plymouth) and he gave us out module results. I got 83.6% overall which was surprisingly high since I had struggled with some of the assessments. We gave Ingo a round of applause before we left for lunch. Hung out with Peter and Albert in the canteen discussing the fine art in completing out lab manuals.
Went to CIT class met up with one of our members Damien to discuss the plot of the game. Colin tested my QR tag that goes in 9 bits (it worked)
Hopefully will have a working game by Friday, I need to get a move on with it (I need printer ink).
God knows where Denis was so left early that day. Tried to get some of the CIT QR Game completed.


Was running late today but still managed to get in on time to Hardware Class. Pierce spoke about AGP, PCI, PCIe slots and spoke about doing exam papers for next week. The next lecture was a Networking lecture with Denis speaking about the upcoming Wireshark & cable tests.
Went to Trends to watch a few presentations going on, I did a bit of other work while this was happening.
Went to my Java lessons to work on my project and for guidance from my lecturer who showed me the best way for flowchart design.


Went in early to finish the QR game and give to Colin Manning. Printed out the last pieces as my printer at home was out of ink. Was cutting and glueing stuff while my class mates were watching they thought it was funny that I was the team. When it came for the CIT lecture Colin was no where to be found not a whisper even on his blog nothing was happening to explain this.
Even though it felt like a wasted journey I posted my medial forms at the post office in CIT college and printed off my friend Jon's CV.

When I got back went with Jon to go job hunting.

Monday 14 November 2011

Week 10

Was in Kerry for the weekend staying with friends.


This morning got up early to go into CIT to see the doctor about my feet. On mentioning my feet condition and that it could be athletes foot he flipped his lid. Luckily it turned out to be nothing more than my feet being too wet all the time and that I need to wear cotton socks and not synthetic ones (€10 to tell me that haha). Was walking to my Web Fmtls class., on the way spotted several of my class mates puffing away on their cigarettes thinking... this semester has hit them hard. Once in class Ingo assigned us our task of making a basic calculator using javascript in the HTML. To begin with had no idea what I was doing but eventually with the examples got the thing to work. Went to my Network class didnt do much as totally adrift on what I was doing but Denis did eventually give us the chapter numbers that need to be completed. Still slightly less optimistic that I will finish the Lab manuals on time. The height of the class was finding out someone was attacking Colin's Blog but deep down I knew it was not funny as he will now give us a hard time trying to find out who did it. Got home thinking about all the work I have to complete and I pray to God I get through the first semester in one piece.


Was very cold this morning almost to the point of not wanting to get out of bed. None of my housemates were awake since we all didnt go to sleep till near 2am (not good) Got in on time to my CIT lecture but Colin was running late so was waiting for about 15 mins outside the room. I remember very few turning up for that morning lecture but for those who did Colin spoke with each team to find out the progress with the QR game and if they have a Finnish student in their group. Colin did not mention the incident on his blog. Nothing special about Hardware class unless you want to hear about the types of BIOS chips used.
For the Trends class we had a guy in called Alan Morgan from the company Pilz and he spoke about what the company did and what their product was. It was an interesting talk and Alan was very enthusiastic about the whole thing.
The final lectures were on the Java programming, this week were just tutorials which I didnt want to miss as feel like im falling behind in my java skills.
Went home then went to the UCC CU.


Went into CIT with my friend Andy said our see you laters and I went to Hardware. For 2 hours tried to do some essay work but was totally out of it could not concentrate to save my life. We then had web dev class with Ingo who was showing us his powerpoint slides on input boxes which will be used in the next assessment on Monday. Went to the Library to try and study again still could not concentrate properly due to tiredness and stress. CIT lesson followed after the break with Colin giving us tips on how to reference when writing our essays. He briefly talked about the Finnish people not communicating with us and then about the QR game which is due very soon. It was quite odd that he left half an hour early as usually he stays till the very end. The final class of the day was Networking with good old Denis talking about venues and other representations of subnets (most find this analogy confusing) Denis spoke about the Cisco online which alot have not done.


Was feeling the after effects of the caffeine overdose I did last night while doing the Tends essay work. Get into my Hardware class 5 mins late (didnt miss much) Got given instructions on the project we need to do. Next we had Networking which Denis said he could not take so I went to the Library to tidy up my essay to hand into Vincent.


Got in on time for Ingo and his awesome powerpoints spoke about assessment on Monday dealing with Java.Then it was CIT where Colin spoke to me about the Game progress which hardly anything really.

Monday 7 November 2011

Week 9

Recap of the weekend: Went to see TinTin in 3D with a bunch of friends for only €4 each.


Went in at 9 to meet up with my fellow group members for the CIT presentation starting tomorrow and all this week. We spoke about what parts we were going to present when we do the presentation and combined all our information into slides. At 2pm was Web Fmtls assessment and it was an epic fail due to me not having the time (I probably did just had issues to deal with) to revise the CSS functions. Then we had Network Fmtls with Denis Polley who for the most part had disappeared (playing Angry Birds on his Ipad most likely) I am seriously going to fail this module from lack of direction in these labs. Need to make more of an effort to finish this model I dont want to fail!!!!!


Went to my CIT class with the completed script and powerpoint. Our group of Maria, Cian, Me coordinating what we are going to say luckily we were not called up that day so had some more time to be prepared. Colin was also video recording each presentation. Next we had Hardware with Pierce, got our test papers back. I got 22/25 marks from the 1 hour test from last week.
Got 87% in my essay in Trends, 2% better since last essay. Also had a spokesman from VMware talking about their products.


Im screwed! Was the first thing on my mind this morning as I knew I had a presentation and network test. Woke up tired as usual feeling I never get enough sleep these days which is my fault for not going to bed early. First lecture was Hardware in the lab I just used that time to revise my networking knowledge and doing Cisco assessments on-line. Next we had Web Fundamentals with Ingo who was speaking more about Javascript in HTML coding. Had a two hour break before CIT. Our team was called up for the presentation on RFID and Privacy. Overall it went well though I stumbled near the beginning but picked up. Had the network test and finished within 20mins so was not as bad as I thought it would be. Was happy the way that day turned out. Did not go to MedRen that day as was so wrecked.


Had an extra hour sleep as the first lecture was at 10. Computer Hardware was the first lecture with Pierce talking about video RAM and as usual writing information on the board copied from his notes which I still swear he copies off labsim. Next was Network with Denis Polley who was talking about subnet masks again. Fortunately I knew some of the stuff though when I call out the answers I get blanked by Denis as if i wasn't there but he later said that he wants the ones who are struggling a chance to shine and give the correct answer. Had a two hour break which I spent working for a bit before hanging out with a friend. In Trends in Computing Vincent Ryan was talking about the essay that needs to be handed in by the 17th Nov. He also spoke about the group presentation which to me is still vague on what we are supposed to be doing. Final lectures of the day was dreaded Java as sometimes I feel like an idiot as not getting it all the time but there were moments when I knew the solution to problems. We had our 4th group coding assignment with Me, Damien, Albert and Peter. Damien did the coding and the rest giving input on how to code the solution. I was in charge of documentation making the test plan while after the code had been done Albert and Peter did the algorithm and finally I compiled all the documentation with the Java code and submitted it onto Blackboard with Peter making sure to see the confirmation screen. Went over time so missed the 6pm bus but my friend Lynn took me back. Got back to the apartment with dinner waiting on the table made by my friend Jon. 


Arrived 10 mins late for web fundamentals where Ingo was chatting about Javascript in webpages. He kept tripping on the door stopper every now and again. Next was CIT where the remaining presentations were done. I submitted my CIT essay that day with the word count under the minimum word count. Three groups did presentations with the final one done on his own, Arron had to do it all so felt sorry for him. Finished at 11am that day and went back to the apartment and met up with Jon and bussed to Kerry for the weekend.


That entire week I was totally out of it was so tired, its my fault for the late nights I had. So hopefully will be refreshed for Monday and roll on week 10!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Week 888888888

Was an interesting 4 day weekend with its ups and downs. Went to the cinema with a friend to see The Lion King in 3D 17 years after seeing the original in 1994. On Bank Holiday Monday I was invited to a Light Party which is the opposite to a Halloween Party for Christians to come and worship Jesus and have a good time (without the need of alcohol to do that) was a brilliant evening plenty of good company to talk to we even had a Roman stop by and he decided to stay since it was much better than some club he was going to go to.


Surprisingly was not as tired as I thought I would be today as didn't go to bed till 2am this morning. The day started out really good for me with spirits high ready to take on the day.
Went to my first lecture with Colin Manning he spoke to me about my group (me being the only one present most likely due to the fact my other team members are recovering from the Halloween effect) our team really needs to pick up the pace as we are going to totally fail this module, I think I will have to input alot more since I turn up more often than most!

Hardware as usual was Pierce writing notes on the board from which we have suspected that he copied off the software program Labsim. He let us go half hour early as he ran out of notes. Went to the Canteen to meet with a friend until it was time for Trends In Computing. We had a spokesman from Bluematrix in to talk about what their business does, something to do with analyzing websites for how many users go on and amount of videos are watched etc... After the presentation we were let out an hour early. I went to the canteen and started on a Powerpoint for the UCC CU worship which my friend had asked me to do. Java was the final lecture. I was falling asleep in the first class not because it was boring but because I did not go to sleep till 2am previously. In the Lab we took a test on how much we knew our Java...40% showed me I really need to revise this subject I just pray I organize myself enough to get through the first semester ALIVE!
Later that evening went to the UCC CU and worked the powerpoint with the 4 songs chosen. We went to someones house to continue the fun of that evening and a group of us learned a new game involving cards and crops lol wish I had remembered the name. Didn't leave till almost 12am. In fact didnt go to bed till almost 3am that night!!!


Got up after only a few hours sleep but didn't feel as wrecked as I thought. Made it to the bus on time with my friend got to the CIT in high spirits from the night before. First class of the day was Hardware Lab what a waste of time. So started updating this blog and continued writing my CIT essay on Geolocation. Headed over to Web Fundamentals in B219 with Ingo he gave us the heads up about the up coming assessment next week. Met up with a friend for the 2 hours. We did some work in the canteen until it was time for CIT. Spoke to my team mates in CIT about our presentation. I said I would try and contact the foreign students to see if we can get one to join us also said I will make the privacy part of the powerpoint. Last lesson of the day was Networking again I was still getting lost in that lecture and falling asleep from the lack of sleep from the past two days.
Went to MedRen later that day we finally got to use daggers instead of just spears quite interesting that was. Went to bed late that night near 3am.


Got up late so was rushing so didn't have breakfast. Got to college 5 mins late but it was Hardware class so didn't miss a thing! Had networking class with Denis Polley he talked about how much we didn't know yet. Met up with my friend for 2 hours in canteen to do some networking Cisco style. Trends In Computing was the next class we spoke about the next essay to be written and the project is to be on RFID technology. Final Lectures of the day was Java unfortunately the projector was on the blink so went over to the Labs to work on our Java challenges. Stayed till 5:30 and met up with a friend who took me back home.


Got to college on time for my Web Fmtls class with Ingo he spoke about the up coming assessment on CSS and what we need to learn. We also touched on Javascript. Last lecture was CIT and Colin was checking up on the progress of the presentations none were ready. He was concerned with my group (Only one that turned up) Got back later that day.