Thursday 17 November 2011

Week 11 (The end is near)

Recap on weekend: Went to Kerry with a bunch of friends and climbed Torc. Despite the bad weather over the southern parts of Ireland it was amazing to find the exact time we went to climb was when the Sun shined brightly. We had so much fun that Saturday with Hot chocolate at the top of the mountain and taking plenty of photographs it was epic.


Went into college that day early (9:30am) to catch up on some work in the library as the end of the year is looming. Was writing up my design doc's for programming. At 2pm we had Web Dev and our assignment was to code a tax calculator which sounded straight forward, the only problem was it didn't work but coded it in a way so it looked like the example. The only thing that did work was the clear function so at least I scored 4% haha.
The next one was a Networking Lab and o how much fun that always is with me sitting there for 2 hours scratching my head as im totally lost in what i am supposed to do. I'm so sick of that wire-shark rubbish analyzing data packets its like groundhog day. Tried to do some of the manual but its a pain when you have been adrift for so long.


Running slightly late this morning but got in before Colin did so no biggie really. Held up my QR tag in its pocket to show Colin something was in progress. After CIT class went to the hardware lecture where Pierce told us about the Hardware project we need to do.
In Trends we had a spokesman from McAfee to talk about the business (alot of people were falling asleep as he gave a boring presentation, wish he would do that to send me to sleep at night) Had 3/4 of the group essay to give in then was informed by class mate that the 4th part will be given to me soon so told Vincent I would hand it in to him later that day. The final Java lecture was talking about the different loops and when to use them. In the Lab we had our final teamwork exercise, this time we just coded no documentation wahoo!!


Got into class just after 9am was the Hardware lecture with Pierce. Worked on my Hardware project as well as my Java project trying to use my time efficiently (hardly works trying to do several things at one, you never get anything done that way)

Went to my final web development class with Ingo (he leaves Friday for Plymouth) and he gave us out module results. I got 83.6% overall which was surprisingly high since I had struggled with some of the assessments. We gave Ingo a round of applause before we left for lunch. Hung out with Peter and Albert in the canteen discussing the fine art in completing out lab manuals.
Went to CIT class met up with one of our members Damien to discuss the plot of the game. Colin tested my QR tag that goes in 9 bits (it worked)
Hopefully will have a working game by Friday, I need to get a move on with it (I need printer ink).
God knows where Denis was so left early that day. Tried to get some of the CIT QR Game completed.


Was running late today but still managed to get in on time to Hardware Class. Pierce spoke about AGP, PCI, PCIe slots and spoke about doing exam papers for next week. The next lecture was a Networking lecture with Denis speaking about the upcoming Wireshark & cable tests.
Went to Trends to watch a few presentations going on, I did a bit of other work while this was happening.
Went to my Java lessons to work on my project and for guidance from my lecturer who showed me the best way for flowchart design.


Went in early to finish the QR game and give to Colin Manning. Printed out the last pieces as my printer at home was out of ink. Was cutting and glueing stuff while my class mates were watching they thought it was funny that I was the team. When it came for the CIT lecture Colin was no where to be found not a whisper even on his blog nothing was happening to explain this.
Even though it felt like a wasted journey I posted my medial forms at the post office in CIT college and printed off my friend Jon's CV.

When I got back went with Jon to go job hunting.

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