Monday 14 November 2011

Week 10

Was in Kerry for the weekend staying with friends.


This morning got up early to go into CIT to see the doctor about my feet. On mentioning my feet condition and that it could be athletes foot he flipped his lid. Luckily it turned out to be nothing more than my feet being too wet all the time and that I need to wear cotton socks and not synthetic ones (€10 to tell me that haha). Was walking to my Web Fmtls class., on the way spotted several of my class mates puffing away on their cigarettes thinking... this semester has hit them hard. Once in class Ingo assigned us our task of making a basic calculator using javascript in the HTML. To begin with had no idea what I was doing but eventually with the examples got the thing to work. Went to my Network class didnt do much as totally adrift on what I was doing but Denis did eventually give us the chapter numbers that need to be completed. Still slightly less optimistic that I will finish the Lab manuals on time. The height of the class was finding out someone was attacking Colin's Blog but deep down I knew it was not funny as he will now give us a hard time trying to find out who did it. Got home thinking about all the work I have to complete and I pray to God I get through the first semester in one piece.


Was very cold this morning almost to the point of not wanting to get out of bed. None of my housemates were awake since we all didnt go to sleep till near 2am (not good) Got in on time to my CIT lecture but Colin was running late so was waiting for about 15 mins outside the room. I remember very few turning up for that morning lecture but for those who did Colin spoke with each team to find out the progress with the QR game and if they have a Finnish student in their group. Colin did not mention the incident on his blog. Nothing special about Hardware class unless you want to hear about the types of BIOS chips used.
For the Trends class we had a guy in called Alan Morgan from the company Pilz and he spoke about what the company did and what their product was. It was an interesting talk and Alan was very enthusiastic about the whole thing.
The final lectures were on the Java programming, this week were just tutorials which I didnt want to miss as feel like im falling behind in my java skills.
Went home then went to the UCC CU.


Went into CIT with my friend Andy said our see you laters and I went to Hardware. For 2 hours tried to do some essay work but was totally out of it could not concentrate to save my life. We then had web dev class with Ingo who was showing us his powerpoint slides on input boxes which will be used in the next assessment on Monday. Went to the Library to try and study again still could not concentrate properly due to tiredness and stress. CIT lesson followed after the break with Colin giving us tips on how to reference when writing our essays. He briefly talked about the Finnish people not communicating with us and then about the QR game which is due very soon. It was quite odd that he left half an hour early as usually he stays till the very end. The final class of the day was Networking with good old Denis talking about venues and other representations of subnets (most find this analogy confusing) Denis spoke about the Cisco online which alot have not done.


Was feeling the after effects of the caffeine overdose I did last night while doing the Tends essay work. Get into my Hardware class 5 mins late (didnt miss much) Got given instructions on the project we need to do. Next we had Networking which Denis said he could not take so I went to the Library to tidy up my essay to hand into Vincent.


Got in on time for Ingo and his awesome powerpoints spoke about assessment on Monday dealing with Java.Then it was CIT where Colin spoke to me about the Game progress which hardly anything really.

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