Monday 7 November 2011

Week 9

Recap of the weekend: Went to see TinTin in 3D with a bunch of friends for only €4 each.


Went in at 9 to meet up with my fellow group members for the CIT presentation starting tomorrow and all this week. We spoke about what parts we were going to present when we do the presentation and combined all our information into slides. At 2pm was Web Fmtls assessment and it was an epic fail due to me not having the time (I probably did just had issues to deal with) to revise the CSS functions. Then we had Network Fmtls with Denis Polley who for the most part had disappeared (playing Angry Birds on his Ipad most likely) I am seriously going to fail this module from lack of direction in these labs. Need to make more of an effort to finish this model I dont want to fail!!!!!


Went to my CIT class with the completed script and powerpoint. Our group of Maria, Cian, Me coordinating what we are going to say luckily we were not called up that day so had some more time to be prepared. Colin was also video recording each presentation. Next we had Hardware with Pierce, got our test papers back. I got 22/25 marks from the 1 hour test from last week.
Got 87% in my essay in Trends, 2% better since last essay. Also had a spokesman from VMware talking about their products.


Im screwed! Was the first thing on my mind this morning as I knew I had a presentation and network test. Woke up tired as usual feeling I never get enough sleep these days which is my fault for not going to bed early. First lecture was Hardware in the lab I just used that time to revise my networking knowledge and doing Cisco assessments on-line. Next we had Web Fundamentals with Ingo who was speaking more about Javascript in HTML coding. Had a two hour break before CIT. Our team was called up for the presentation on RFID and Privacy. Overall it went well though I stumbled near the beginning but picked up. Had the network test and finished within 20mins so was not as bad as I thought it would be. Was happy the way that day turned out. Did not go to MedRen that day as was so wrecked.


Had an extra hour sleep as the first lecture was at 10. Computer Hardware was the first lecture with Pierce talking about video RAM and as usual writing information on the board copied from his notes which I still swear he copies off labsim. Next was Network with Denis Polley who was talking about subnet masks again. Fortunately I knew some of the stuff though when I call out the answers I get blanked by Denis as if i wasn't there but he later said that he wants the ones who are struggling a chance to shine and give the correct answer. Had a two hour break which I spent working for a bit before hanging out with a friend. In Trends in Computing Vincent Ryan was talking about the essay that needs to be handed in by the 17th Nov. He also spoke about the group presentation which to me is still vague on what we are supposed to be doing. Final lectures of the day was dreaded Java as sometimes I feel like an idiot as not getting it all the time but there were moments when I knew the solution to problems. We had our 4th group coding assignment with Me, Damien, Albert and Peter. Damien did the coding and the rest giving input on how to code the solution. I was in charge of documentation making the test plan while after the code had been done Albert and Peter did the algorithm and finally I compiled all the documentation with the Java code and submitted it onto Blackboard with Peter making sure to see the confirmation screen. Went over time so missed the 6pm bus but my friend Lynn took me back. Got back to the apartment with dinner waiting on the table made by my friend Jon. 


Arrived 10 mins late for web fundamentals where Ingo was chatting about Javascript in webpages. He kept tripping on the door stopper every now and again. Next was CIT where the remaining presentations were done. I submitted my CIT essay that day with the word count under the minimum word count. Three groups did presentations with the final one done on his own, Arron had to do it all so felt sorry for him. Finished at 11am that day and went back to the apartment and met up with Jon and bussed to Kerry for the weekend.


That entire week I was totally out of it was so tired, its my fault for the late nights I had. So hopefully will be refreshed for Monday and roll on week 10!

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