Sunday 2 October 2011

Week 4 @ CIT

Today was my turn to go shop for supplies. My friend went with me to purchase his new phone as the old one decided to randomly ring and text people before dying. Also he could not fins his folder for College which has annoyed him somewhat as it has EVERYTHING in it. Life you gotta laugh sometimes!

Got into my Web Development class at 2pm to work on my HTML code thinking I had finished. My friend Albert suggested I run the code through a validations to check for errors....50+ errors so frantically ran through the code correcting stupid mistakes sometimes such as missing an equals sign. Luckily I managed to correct everything before the end of the lesson and submitted the project in.

Network Fundamentals was the next lesson. Had to buy Lab Manuals costing €18! as without them you cant really complete the module. Was enrolled on the Cisco website to do the online classes. A day ending at 6 seems quite late

One of the longest days of my CIT week, it would make anyone tired just by looking at my timetable. First lesson was CIT we learned about Google calender and how it works (not really a motivation to attend that class but I went anyway) It was interesting on how Google can spam itself with notifications from the calender.

The final lesson of the day was Problem Solving which involves Java I always find these lessons give me a headache as I am new to Java and learning the different code can be painful when working out exactly how its working.

My Birthday 25 today yay me lol. Another early morning was late getting into Hardware class due to bus being slow as ever (cant wait to drive one of these days) Using software called LabSim which explains about the different hardware and functions of a PC. Web Dev Fmtls class learning about new HTML tags how fun. Had another CIT lesson today with Colin Manning teaching us how to do a powerpoint presentation was quite helpful to know.
Final lesson of the day was Networking learning the fine points in that.

Lectures in the morning started at 10am with Computer Hardware with Pierce Brady then Network Fundamentals with Denis Polley then a break at 12pm. Trends in Computer Technology was cancelled so had a 3 hour lunch break. Then it was Problem Solving and Programming which always stimulates the mind with its ever increasing complexities in the code (well to me it seems) which is JAVA. We learned how to use a GUI command instead of console.

One thing I like about Friday is that fact that you finish at 11am. Had Web Dev Fmtls and then CIT not much to say about this day apart from I managed to get my AIB Internet Banking sorted as well as my monthly bus pass ID card :P

(BTW if you are reading up to this point you must seriously have a lot of time to kill or that you like reading random rubbish)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No it's interesting !
I have to choose my modules, so I'm glad to learn a bit more about the courses you attented.
I wonder what you are doing now, as this blog is 3years old.