Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Job Exercise - Test Analyst Job

Job No.37 - Graduate/Junior Test Analyst Job in Dublin

My task was to investigate:
  • What technical skills are required for the job
  • What non-technical / soft skills are required for the job
  • What do all those technical terms mean
  • What modules at CIT should you take to get those skills
  • Which modules provide which skills
  • What kind of modules should you take, but are not offered at CIT
Technical Skills Required

Assist in analysing test requirements: Basically having the ability to look through what tests need to be done on the program

Assist in producing test plans: Having the ability to help with designing what tests there are to be done to the application programmed.

Populate Test Director with test cases: Having experience in using the tool Test Director
(TestDirector is Mercury Interactive’s software test management tool. It helps quality assurance personnel plan and organize the testing process. With TestDirector you can create a database of manual and automated tests, build test cycles, run tests, and report and track defects. You can also create reports and graphs to help review the progress of planning tests, running tests, and tracking defects before a software release)

Execute test scripts and manual testing: The ability to run special scripting programs to test the software to see if its doing what its meant to be doing. Also the applicant should have the skill to manually test the software in every way possible.

Raise Defects: The ability to track defects in the code and to find a solution to correct this. The constant check of these problems are an essential requirement to ensure high quality code.

Produce regular Progress Reports to communicate progress being made: As the testing and repairing of faulty code progresses, Progress Reports are required for the people in charge as well as the team to see what has been done and to what needs to be done in the future. This can include what more extensive tests need to be done or what fixes are required to when a fault is discovered.

Continually build and improve relationships within the project teams: Working as a team is important when testing and re-writing code but its essential that the team functions like a family for better communication between one another so that mistakes are minimal and any problems are dealt with quickly and efficiently. The reputation of a company can be down to good or bad teamwork.

Desirable Skills:

The applicant must have some of the desirable skills in order to get the Job this includes:

Knowledge in SQL and Oracle that deal in databases, being familiar with the operating system Unix.
Having strong communication and interpersonal skills in order for the team to work well and that no misinformation goes out.
Being a Team Player is also essential as its more efficient working as a team and less likely that errors will occur as everyone is working together looking over each others code in the software.
For absolute communication between the team and others in the company a common language must be spoken and for this Job its English and has to be fluent.

Cork Institute of technology course

The CIT course the person needs to study to qualify for this job could be:

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development and Computer Networking
Both of these courses have most of the modules that cover qualifications needed for the Test Analyst Job

CIT Modules that deal with SQL:

SOFT7002 - Database Design & Programming
COMP7027 - Database Implementation
COMP7028 - Database Systems
COMP7025 - Database Systems 1
COMP7006 - Database Systems 2
COMP6016 - Introduction to Databases

However there are a few Modules the CIT do not have that the job requires such as:

SQL and Oracle - The CIT has a module that covers SQL but not Oracle and this can be studied at the UCC by doing Database Design and Development (IS1810)

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