Monday 24 October 2011

Week 7


We worked on CSS in Web Dev group. Was interesting as was totally lost to begin with but stuck with it and now have some idea on how to do that kind of thing in the future.

Almost given up on my Networking Lab as got lost in it weeks ago :( Eating my €1 sweets with Fergal to pass the time while I do my Trends in Comp Tech essay work as don't want to sit around for 2 hours doing nothing. Denis finally started to show everyone the Wireshark packet sniffer program and how to identify the different packets (20 mins at the end he started this but had to leave for the bus).


Early mornings are the worst especially if you don't go to bed early the night before (was watching a film with my friend until 2am) Had a bust up with my friend as we were both tired anyway but smoothed relations very quickly on the way to college. CIT was the first class of the day Colin Manning was talking to individual groups about their presentation. Colin changed my essay to Geolocation as my group presentation was the same topic (RFID and Privacy).
Had computer hardware next we learned about plug and play devices and the settings. Pierce reminded us of the test on Thursday.
We had a spokeswoman in Trends in computer technology talking about data and how its used and abused was kind of scary how data is lost. Java was the final lessons of the day with the first hour talking about Data Validation and starting loops. Then for the next 2 hours was the group Java coding project. We ran over time so we all went home Damien one of the group members finished the code and emailed it to me while I tried to finish the write up but missed the deadline on Blackboard and so my last resort was emailing the stuff to Cliona directly hoping she will grade it.


Pain in the backside these early mornings getting in. Always dark and cold in the mornings being winter now. First lecture was Hardware Pierce Brady instructed us to skip to chapter 3 in Labsim as it covers whats coming up in the exam. Next was web fundamentals with Ingo, I could not stop sniggering for the whole lecture as he tripped on the rubber stub that stops the door hitting the wall just as funny as when he tripped on the overhead wire lol. Spent part of my 2 hour break starting research on my CIT essay on Geolocation. In CIT Colin was talking to us about the Game our group has to make using QR technology. It was amusing as Colin was in his element when discussing the project he was like a fat kid in a candy store, never seen him so alive with enthusiasm. Last lecture of the day was Networking Fundamentals, Denis showed us a video about network topologies as well as informing us of an upcoming test. Later that day went to my one society club at the UCC called MedRen where we do spear fighting was one of the best sessions I have been to.


Woke up this morning feeling alone not really connecting to my house mates especially with one of them. I was kind of sad of the fact that one was gone and we are still looking for a new house mate. Had a hardware exam first thing which I later found out was easy as pie so all this freaking out was for nothing. Finished the exam (if you call it that) in 10 mins and we were given an hour to do this. Next lecture was cancelled so had a 3 hour lunch break. Tried to do some essay writing in the canteen but then a brass band came in and well played very loud music so put me right off. Handed in my EMC & Newsweaver essay to Vincent Ryan but the rest of the lecture was cancelled due to the fact that the pc units in the lab were being upgraded. Waited around with Peter for a bit in the Canteen before he decided to go home for the day. Went to the student shop to buy supplies. Went to Java to ask Cliona if she got the group work assessment on Tuesday luckily she had and it was graded on Blackboard found out that the java lectures were just tutorials for people who needed help so left just after 3pm and caught the bus back.


Its a day off woop woop 4 day weekend to catch up on essay work lol

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