Tuesday 20 September 2011

Life at CIT Week 1

If someone said to me 2 weeks ago "what do you do?" I would have to think of something fast to make my life sound interesting.

But on Friday 9th Sept I was finally accepted onto the Web Development course after much pleading to let me on.

Went in on Monday 12th to the CIT with my Friend who had recently transferred from Limerick University. I handed in my registration form to Admins and proceeded in walking around getting to grips with the place. It was interesting to find that someone else was also attending the CIT my good friend Lynn.

Tuesday was the day lectures started and at first was slightly nerve racking as didn't know anyone on my course. After a while started to get used to the whole back to education (as it has been 5 years since I was at college)

Most of the Lectures of that week spoke about the modules and what happens if you dont turn up for the classes which I have no intention of skipping any time soon.

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